History of the IPA

The IPA – the largest police organisation in the World – was formed on 1st January 1950. Since that time, its Esperanto motto “Servo per Amikeco” (Service through Friendship) has reached more people than could have been imagined. The Association was formed because a police sergeant from Lincolnshire, England, Arthur Troop, wanted to create a channel for friendship and international co-operation amongst police officers. In the years 1948-49 contact was made with police friends at home and abroad.

In 1949 an article was published in the British Police Review under the pseudonym of Aytee. Following an amazing response, Arthur was convinced he should proceed. The IPA was founded on 1st January 1950 under the Esperanto motto Servo per Amikeco (Service Through Friendship) and Arthur Troop became the first Secretary General of the British Section. His notion of an Association with development of social, cultural and professional links amongst its members, in an environment free from discrimination of rank, sex, colour, language or religion, became a reality.With the help of early pioneers he worked untiringly to encourage the founding of other national Sections. From small beginnings the IPA message quickly took hold and the formation of new Sections throughout the World became rapid.

Soon there were sections in the majority of Western Europe, Africa, America (north and south), Asia and Australasia. In 1955, at the first International Executive Committee meeting in Paris, he became the first International Secretary General, a post he held until he stood down in 1966 for personal reasons. Following Arthur Troops achievement in creating what was to become the Worlds largest police organisation, there was change in the authorities view towards the International Police Association. In the Queens Birthday Honours List of 1965 Arthur Troop was awarded the British Empire Medal for his work in founding the IPA. He was later to receive many high awards from abroad. These included: an Honorary Doctorate from Canada; the Cross of Honour from the President of the Republic of Austria; and following the unveiling of the Arthur Troop statue on the great Plain of Hungary in 1998, he was presented with the Golden Sword of Hungary by the State.

Political changes in Eastern Europe became the catalyst for further increased growth and development within the Association. As an ex-officio member of the International Committee (Permanent Executive Bureau), Arthur regularly attended international meetings, where his advice was heeded and respected. At the XIth World Congress in 1985, he became the first recipient of the Associations Gold Medal. At the 26th IEC Conference in Vienna, in 1995, Arthur was awarded the IPA World Police Prize.

In spite of his serious ill-health Arthur prepared himself for the Associations 50th Anniversary World Congress, held in Bournemouth during May 2000. Her Royal Highness, Princess Anne, in the opening ceremony paid tribute to the man from Lincolnshire, for ruthlessly pursuing the arduous task of establishing the International Police Association by Service through Friendship. Her Royal Highness went on to say Arthur Troop came through much adversity, isolation and disinterest from further up the ladder than we can ever realise. Membership of the IPA exceeds 372,000. National Sections exist in 68 countries and 6 continents throughout the World. We have witnessed the steady growth of what has become the undisputed major police organisation in the World, both in numerical strength and influence. Arthur Troops fundamental ideas still remain today.

The documents below give you a broad overview of the New Zealand IPA history and the international IPA history.

IPA NZ History 1

NZ Police Journal 1963 Article

IPA NZ History

The First 30 Years

IPA NZ History 3

More NZ History

International History

IPA New Zealand