Snowplanet Day-pass booking

The Snowplanet Wednesdays opening hours is now from 10:00 till 16:00.
If there are any issues or problems relating to the SnowPlanet bookings, please contact Jordan Upton directly on 021 220 9545
The IPA is NOT the Police Association. Your membership with the Police Association DOES NOT entitle you to use these passes for $15 each. You must join the IPA otherwise each pass is $40 for police employees.

Click on a date in the calendar below to make a booking. You can book up to four passes for each day.

Dates in BLACK on the calendar below indicate that there are passes available. Hover over the date to see how many passes are still available for that date.

Dates in RED on the calendar below indicate that this date is fully booked.

Bookings will only become confirmed once payment is received in our bank account.

Passes are located at North Shore Policing Centre 52 Parkway Drive adjacent to Exit 414 on State highway 1.

Cost is $15 per pass for current financial IPA members (NOT POLICE ASSOCIATION)

$40 per pass for Police employees who are currently not IPA members however if you fill out the “Sign Up” form located <<HERE>> and for $44.00 per year you can enjoy this, and other members’ discounts.

Payment is required within 48 hours of booking and instructions will be emailed to you once you made your booking.

You will also receive an email confirming the booking, once your payment is received.

All bookings are preliminary, and you will no longer receive an invoice for SnowPlanet passes.

Please pay your fee directly into the following account: 03-0114-0245305-000

Use your full name, your email address, your mobile phone number, and your membership number as a reference.

Please note that there seems to be routing problems with a Microsoft email server, which bounces booking emails back to our server.
Please use your email address or a gmail email address when booking, to stop the bouncing of booking emails. 

Calendar is loading...
Passes Available
Fully Booked

First Name*:

Last Name*:



IPA Member #:

Day Passes*:


IPA New Zealand